10 for 10 - Stop The Colic by Dr. Bryan Ardis, D.C. & Michelle Rowton MSN

In this video, Dr. Bryan Ardis and Michelle Rowton discuss the issue of colic in infants and children. Colic is characterized by prolonged and intense crying, often with no apparent cause, causing distress to both the child and the parents.

They delve into the possible underlying causes of colic, which can include structural issues in the baby's neck or skull, dietary sensitivities, and allergies. The video emphasizes the importance of considering chiropractic adjustments for babies with colic, as misalignments in the upper cervical area can contribute to digestive issues and pain.

The discussion also covers dietary triggers, with dairy and wheat being the most common culprits, along with other high allergen foods like soy, corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, nuts, and eggs. Michelle Rowton suggests removing these foods from the breastfeeding mother's diet and changing formulas for babies as a potential solution.

Additionally, the video mentions the use of NAET (Nam Boudreau peds Allergy Elimination Technique) treatments to address allergies and food sensitivities in infants and children.

The 10 for 10 video provides further insights and recommendations on how to address colic effectively, highlighting the significance of considering both the baby's well-being and the parents' stress levels during the treatment process.

Tags: colic, baby, formulas, children, bell peppers, dairy, foods, screaming, antibiotics, kid, give, parents, michelle, issues, pediatricians, work, infants, pdf, chiropractic, alignment