3 Piece Kit (30 Day Supply)


FCR is sold by PCI Wellness in partnership with ArdisLabs. Please reach out to PCI Wellness support for additional questions or help with this product.

Should I take FCR?

You can benefit from FCR if…

If you have occasional, mild digestive or bowel irregularities, use to support a healthy balance.
For best results, you should drink plenty of water and avoid greasy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks, particularly within an hour before and after taking the capsules. You should also eat fewer simple carbohydrates and fats and more complex carbohydrates and proteins in the form of lean meats.

Product Description

The high-quality, herbal components of FCR were carefully researched and selected to unlock the key to digestive health and balance. Originally offered only to doctors, FCR is now available direct to patients without a prescription.

This program will promote healthy GI tract function by supporting optimal digestion, absorption, and elimination. Dr. Omar Amin, world-renowned scientist and health researcher, as well as the chief formulator, has been providing healthcare professionals with his Freedom Cleanse Restore digestive formulas for years and now we are offering it to you. Whether you have recently vacationed out of the country, are feeling sluggish every day, or are experiencing temporary digestive difficulties, Freedom Cleanse and Restore are power-packed formulas that will enliven your digestive health which is essential to feeling more energized and balanced. Overall health benefits are accomplished by the cleansing action and by harmonizing the function of organ systems with those of the digestive tract providing immune support.

The program includes three formulas, to be taken together, each with a different function. The formulas have a pronounced synergistic effect when taken together that far surpasses any total cleanse on the market.

FCR was specifically designed to be a broad-spectrum product that also has the necessary cleansing aspects, as well as balancing aspects needed for a healthy gut.


For more on our, FCR visit our testimonials page on PCI wellness


Freedom Ingredients
Garlic, Olive Leaf Extract, Citrus Seed Extract, Goldenseal, Aloe Vera, Pomegranate, Oregano Leaf, Clove Bud, Black Walnut Hull, Peppermint Leaf, Black Cumin Seed, Winter Melon Seed, Gentian Root, Wormwood Bark, Hyssop Leaf, Cramp Bark, Thyme Leaf, Fennel Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Caprylic Acid, Rosemary, Papaya, Rangoon Creeper.

Cleanse Ingredients
Psyllium Seed Husk, Atlantic Kelp, Corn Silk, Fo-Ti, Chinese Rhubarb Root, Peppermint Leaf, Black Cumin Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Fennel Seed, Ginger Root, Orange Peel Extract, Clove Bulb, Cascara Sagrada, Slippery Elm Bark.

Restore Ingredients
Molasses, Carob, Chinese Rhubarb Root, Sage, Thyme Leaf, Ginger Root, Clove Bulb, Cayenne Fruit, Rosemary Leaf, Alfalfa Oil, Licorice Root, Chamomile, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Echinacea, Atlantic Kelp, Chicory, Corn Silk, Fennel Seed, Peppermint Leaf, Safflower Oil Powder.