Episode 10.29.2024 - COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond – Unveiling the Medical Complex with Dr. Thorpe, Dr. Viglione, and Sally Saxon


In this special episode, Dr. Bryan Ardis hosts three key voices in the fight for medical freedom: Dr. James Thorpe, Dr. Deborah Viglione, and author Sally Saxon. The guests discuss their groundbreaking book, COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond: What the Medical Industrial Complex is Not Telling Us. They share their journeys of discovery, revealing the deeper agendas behind the COVID-19 narrative and medical practices, touching upon censorship, medical fraud, and the alarming rise in vaccine recommendations.

  • Dr. James E Thorpe MD, a renowned OB-GYN with over 45 years of experience, exposes the dangers of vaccine recommendations for pregnant women and stresses the lack of scientific support for routine flu vaccinations. He shares his extensive knowledge and research, warning against blind trust in the medical-industrial complex.
  • Dr. Deborah Viglione MD, an internist, shares her journey treating COVID-19 patients with alternative therapies such as high-dose vitamin C and ozone therapy, exposing the challenges of medical censorship. She discusses her evolving stance on vaccines and the lack of double-blind placebo-controlled studies proving their safety and efficacy.
  • Sally Saxon, a retired attorney and lead author, explains the intent behind the book—to expose the patterns of deception and corruption within the pharmaceutical industry. She provides a deeper context, illustrating how the suppression of information and false narratives have shaped public perception.

Special Offer:
Use the code ARDIS to get a 15% discount on 1, 2, or 3 copies of the book. Visit https://thecvbook.com/



The Dr. Ardis Show, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Medical Freedom, COVID-19 Vaccines, Flu Vaccine, Dr. Jim Thorpe, Dr. Deborah Viglione, Sally Saxon, Patient Advocacy, Medical Censorship, Vaccine Dangers, Pharmaceutical Industry, Health Truth, Medical Industrial Complex, Book Promotion, Turtles All The Way Down, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Alternative Treatments, Vitamin C Therapy, Exposing Lies



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